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Rigid Cutterbar Draper

  • Capture more crops in rolling and uneven terrain with a wing range of +/- 15.1”
  • Achieve consistent stubble height with Position Control Gauge Wheels
  • Adjust float pressure in less than 6 seconds and convert from off-to-on ground cutting in less than 10 seconds from the cab
  • Factory installed Grain Saver Draper Belts reduce cutterbar loss by 25%*

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X Series Combine with 15.2-m (50-ft) draper X Series Combine with 15.2-m (50-ft) draper

Harvest acres faster than ever before with a 15.2-m (50-ft) hinged draper built off the proven foundation of the 700D and 700FD Drapers.

  • Harvest over 12.14 ha (30 acres) an hour or -129.5 ha (320 acres) a day of wheat and soybeans with one HD50R and X9 1100 Combine – When in canola, you can expect to harvest 10.1 ha (25 acres) an hour.
  • Harvest up to 13.35 ha (33 acres) more per day with a John Deere 15.2-m (50-ft) hinged draper – Go across the field fewer times and cover up to an additional 13.35 ha (33 acres) every day compared to similar 13.7-m (45-ft) models at the same ground speed.
  • Handle green stems or late-night conditions without sacrificing cut quality – When crops are tough late in the night, harvest with confidence knowing the 10.2-cm (4-in.) double-cut knife system will maintain cut quality.

Shorten your harvest by taking full advantage of the X Series Combines’ excellent feeding capacity with this hinged draper. This can be the difference between getting the crop out of the field at the ideal time or not. Do so confidently knowing the cutterbar is far less likely to stall compared to the cutterbar system used by competitors, allowing you to enter crop head on without any hesitation.

X Series Combine with 15.2-m (50-ft) draper X Series Combine with 15.2-m (50-ft) draper

The John Deere HDR Draper will follow your ground by pivoting, gliding, and flexing over uneven fields to provide the most accurate cut possible.

  • Capture more crop by adjusting to the ground – This hinged frame draper provides double the wing range of the MacDon® FD1 Draper. Industry-exclusive hydraulic suspension isolates the header from the combine, allowing it to float over the field for a more consistent stubble height. As the header approaches the extremes of the suspension system’s range of motion, active feederhouse position control automatically adjusts the feederhouse height to position itself in the middle of the attachment frame, enabling more float range in changing field conditions.
  • Harvest in difficult crop conditions – Capture downed crop with the push of a button on the CommandARM™ console to automatically raise up the gauge wheels and extend your reel out and down. Harvest the toughest lodged crop with confidence with a 24 percent increase in reel torque (compared to the 700FD).
  • Keep a clean cutterbar no matter the field or crop – A more consistent distance between the reel fingers and cutterbar (compared to the MacDon FD145) ensures crop is cleanly swept across the cutterbar and evenly fed into the combine throughout the full wing range.
  • Improve the consistency of stubble height by 25 percent compared to the MacDon FD1 in challenging terrain conditions – Achieve consistent stubble height behind the combine – an advantage for better seeding performance in no-till applications. Compared to the competition, operators no longer must leave the cab to set the cut height with John Deere height control gauge wheels. The draper automatically maintains the desired cut height while floating over the land.

This draper hinges independently from the feederhouse to meet the lay of the land. The result is an accurate cut that picks up more crop than others, moving it into the feederhouse in an even, uniform feeding, while leaving consistent stubble height in the field.

MacDon is a trademark of MacDon Industries Ltd.

X Series Combine with 15.2-m (50-ft) draper X Series Combine with 15.2-m (50-ft) draper

The goals for a successful harvest are simple – harvest on time and put more grain in the tank. The John Deere HDR Draper is designed to not only harvest more bushels per hour and acres per day but capture more crop.

  • Reduce cutterbar loss by 25 percent – John Deere grain-saver draper belts help trap free grain before it can roll past the cutterbar onto the ground (compared to standard draper belts) with a special crosshair design, saving up to 10.9 L/ha (0.125 bu/acre) of canola which adds up to $1240 USD ($1750 CAD) a year across 607 ha (1,500 acres). 
  • Cut header loss by up to 26 percent – Decrease header loss in high-volume canola with large fingered top augers (compared to non-fingered augers) that grab fluffy crops and pull them against the draper belts. Fingered top augers let you easily straight-cut canola while saving up to 6.1 L/ha (0.07 bu/acre) and which adds up to $700 USD ($985 CAD) a year across 607 ha (1,500 acres).
  • Capture more crop with the center section seal kit – Reduce center section losses up to 45 percent, adding an extra 2.6 L/ha (0.03 bu/acre). This saves $330 (USD) / $465 (CAD) of canola a year across 1,500 acres.
  • Quickly match changing crops and conditions – Factory base equipment helps you adjust the feed rate speed, drum height, and finger timing in less than 20 minutes. In addition, convert from off-ground cutting to on-ground cutting in less than 10 seconds. This is up to a minute faster than MacDon® FD1.
  • In-cab settings help you spend more time harvesting – In-cab float pressure adjustment saves time during the day compared to out-of-cab, by-hand adjustments on competitive models. Ensure your draper is operating at peak performance with five ground condition settings to follow fields better without leaving the cab.

This list of features helps you capture more crop. While other draper manufacturers would leave grain behind, the only thing you’ll see in the rearview mirror is a field with even stubble and a uniform coating of straw, allowing you to know that during the winter, your field will be ready for next year’s seed.


MacDon is a trademark of MacDon Industries Ltd.

Connected Support technology Connected Support technology

When you buy John Deere equipment, you expect reliability. You also know that problems can happen, and a product is only as good as the support behind it. That’s why John Deere equipment is prepared with technology that senses potential issues and can alert you and your dealer promptly—in the cab or anywhere you are.

John Deere Connected Support is a revolutionary change to support that leverages technology and the connectivity of JDLink™ telematics to prevent downtime and resolve problems faster. These tools decrease downtime by an average of 20 percent, enabling faster responses to unexpected problems and reducing technician trips to your machine. For some issues, unplanned downtime can even be prevented altogether through prediction of the issue.

With your permission, John Deere Connected Support:

  • Keeps you running by monitoring machine health and promptly alerting you and your dealer of issues
  • Saves time by remotely viewing in-cab displays, reducing trips to the machine
  • Reduces or even eliminates technician trips to a machine through remote diagnostic and remote software reprogramming capabilities
  • Connects experts with the information needed to respond to downtime faster and prevent it altogether

With more than a decade of experience leveraging connectivity to solve problems, no one else has the experience, tools, and knowledge to keep you running as John Deere and your John Deere dealer can. Connected Support is an in-base feature on all John Deere products with factory- or field-installed JDLink.


Key Specs hd35r-rigid-cutterbar-draper
Current Model
Cutterbar length10.67 m
35 ft
Knife driveDouble-cut, dual-drive, shaft-driven cutterbar: 10.2 cm
4 in.
Knife speedX Series Combine: 520 cycles/min
S-Series Combine: 490 cycles/min
Pickup reel operating speeds8-70 rpm
Draper belts speed controlHydraulic from cab (side belts only)
TypeHinged frame rigid cutterbar
TypeStraight-line knife drive system
Length10.67 m
35 ft
Knife driveDouble-cut, dual-drive, shaft-driven cutterbar: 10.2 cm
4 in.
Knife speedX Series Combine: 520 cycles/min
S-Series Combine: 490 cycles/min
Cutterbar tilt
Pickup reel
Number of slatsBase: six bat poly
Optional: steel tine
FingersBase: nylon
Optional: steel
Diameter106.7 cm
42 in.
Height controlHydraulic
Speed controlHydraulic
Reel liftOff the cutterbar: 100.6 cm
39.6 in.
Reel fore and aftFore of the cutterbar: 26.4 cm
10.4 in.
Reel resumeBase
Reel reverseBase
Operating speeds8-70 rpm
Operating speeds (54-in. reel)
Slat reel
Number of slats
Height control
Speed control
Operating speeds
Draper belts
WidthSide belts: 4.37 m
14.3 ft
Center belts: 201 cm
79.1 in.
Belt depth101.1 cm
39.8 in.
Cleat heightCross belt cleat height: 19.05 mm
0.75 in.
Operating speedSide belts (variable): 1-3.5 m/s
3.3-11.5 fps
Center belts: 211 m/min
692 fpm
Low-speed center belt (fixed): 4.2 m/s
13.8 ft
High-speed center belt (fixed): 5.1 m/s
16.7 fps
Speed controlHydraulic from cab (side belts only)
Center belt reverseBase
Feed drum
Diameter40.6 cm
16 in.
Feed drum fingersHeavy-duty and round with breakaway notch and retainer
Diameter: 16 mm
0.625 in.
Number of fingers18
Auger finger platformTriple chevron, retracting
Finger reach152 mm
6 in.
Drum/auger reverseBase
Operating speedLow speed: 200 rpm
High speed: 240 rpm
Center clean out doorBase
Header height sensing
Header height sensing on the groundBase
Header height sensing off the groundBase
Auxiliary top auger
TypeOptional: hydraulic drive
250-350 rpm
Fingered augersOptional
SizeDiameter: 43.2 cm
17 in.
Platform length11.52 m
37.8 ft
Overall operating depthWith dividers: 3.23 m
10.6 ft
Transport width, field position11.52 m
37.8 ft
Transport width on wheel, less dividers
Transport length, hitch extended
Approximate weight4491 kg
9881 lb
With top augers, gauge wheels, side knives, and spare knife: 4806 kg
10,573 lb